Intuitive Energy Healing with Malka Rachel

ישועת השם כהרף עין

Hashem can do anything in the blink of an eye!

"Don't Focus on the Dark. Focus on the Light." 


Pure Divine Light (PDL) is a method of opening up to receiving Hashem's pure healing light by removing various types of blockages including emotional or mental baggage, trauma, and judgments. 

PDL can help alleviate traumas, turmoil, and emotional, mental, or physical illnesses of any kind. 

PDL is based on an understanding that at the root of everything is simple Energy. 

Energy that is stuck, trapped, or attached to a negative root is the beginning and source of all illnesses.

A Life Coach can help you discover who you really are and what you really want in your life.
Malka Rachel has over 20 years of personal life experiences and the gift of PDL healing. She can help coach you in a way that others can't.  She has two certifications in Life Coaching and is working on certification in Marriage Coaching; she understands.

As a Doula Coach, Malka Rachel combines PDL healing with being a doula. She is able to help with the pain of childbirth and the needs of the mother. Plans are made in advance for what you want your birth to look like. 

(Doula Coaching is only for women giving birth in Tzfat or near Tzfat, Israel. Doula Coaching is often covered by insurance in Israel.)  

Book a discovery call to learn more.

About Pure Divine Light Intuitive Healing:

This Intuitive Healing method is not suitable for everyone. Pure Divine Light is specifically designed for those who want to get better and are willing to put in at least 50% of effort to want to truly change and connect to Hashem. If for any reason you don’t find yourself benefiting from PDL, please seek an alternative practice. 

It is sometimes possible (with Hashem’s help only) to find out in advance how many sessions will be required in order to reach a specific goal. But the number may change in accordance with the amount of effort invested by the one who wants to heal. Because PDL is an intense healing method, most clients will not be able to receive more than 5 sessions within 6 months period. Sessions may be conducted all at once or in partial sessions, depending on the client’s ability to process.

Please note: This method can help women and men. However, interaction with men is done only by phone, through a woman who is closely related to the end client, or by email only on request.